News and Events in the Biology Department

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BIOL 309/409 International Lab Study Opportunity – India Fall 2024!

A new study abroad opportunity is available for winter break 2024-2025 in Hyderabad, India! Biology lecturer Priyusha Pokala will be taking students to the "vaccine capital of the world" to conduct scientific research on antimicrobial activity of locally grown plant extracts. Participants will get hands on training in high-performance...

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Biology Research Associate Professors Jean Welter and Rodrigo Somoza Involved in project “OMEGA: Orchestrating Multifaceted Engineering for Growing Artificial Joints.”

ARPA-H has just announced funding of the project “OMEGA: Orchestrating Multifaceted Engineering for Growing Artificial Joints.” (PI: Ozan Akkus Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering) with the goal of engineering, growing and ultimately commercializing “live” replacement joints to treat Osteoarthritis. At the heart of the OMEGA project lies the “Bioreactor and Cell”...

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