What: This is an annual research competition held during the spring semester for all CWRU undergraduates who have conducted research at CWRU which is biologically related.

 When: April 18th, 2025

Application Deadline: March 21st, 2025

Paper Deadline: Friday, April 18, 2025

The competition honors the collaborative research initiated in 1885 between Albert A. Michelson, a Case physicist, and Edward W. Morley, a Western Reserve Chemist, which culminated in the Michelson-Morley experiment of 1887. This experiment negated the ether theory of space and constituted some of the experimental findings basic to Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity. This program is supported by the Department of Biology.

To apply for the competition students must:

  1. Write a paper in the form of a journal article on your biological, biochemical, biopsychological, or biomedical research carried out in 2024 or 2025.
  2. Register for Spring Intersections which opens mid February and closes March 7, 2025. If accepted to present at Michelson-Morley you will also be credited with SOURCE (but you must apply).
  3. Fill out an entry form and send to Ruth Milne at rxm34@case.edu by Friday, March 21, 2024. Click here to download.
  4. Submit paper to the biology office via email to rxm34@case.edu by Friday April 4th.
  5.  If selected, prepare a 10 minute PowerPoint Presentation on your research for the oral competition held Friday April 18, 2025

A panel of faculty and graduate student judges will determine the winners.
$400 First Prize
$300 Second Prize
$200 Third Prize

Winners will be announced at the Undergraduate Awards Ceremony on Friday, April 25th, 3-4:30pm.


*Due dates are final in order to give judges time to determine finalist and give finalist and judges time to prepare for the oral competition.

For additional information contact Ruth Milne at (216) 368-4301 or rxm34@case.edu