Awards and recognition of faculty, staff, students and alumni of the CWRU Biology department.

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Robin Snyder’s paper wins award

Dr Robin Snyder is the recipient of the American Society of Naturalists Presidential Award for best paper published in the American Naturalists in 2016. The paper: "We happy few: Using structured population models to identify the decisive events in the lives of exceptional individuals" can be found here:

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Hilary Rollins awarded Frederick H. Stoye Award in Ecology and Ethology

CWRU Biology Department doctoral student Hilary Rollins was awarded the Frederick H. Stoye Award in Ecology and Ethology at the 2016 Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists for her presentation "How do climate-change induced phenological shifts alter terrestrial competition between two amphibians?"  Hilary described the results of research that she...

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