Biology Undergraduates Recognized for Their Research Achievements in the 2024 Undergraduate Awards Luncheon

Friday, April 26th 2024 the Biology Department held their annual Undergraduate Awards Luncheon in Hovorka Atrium. Faculty and undergraduate students who were nominated for one of the various awards given by the department were invited to accept their certificates and hear encouraging comments from their mentors and professors over sandwiches and salad. While all students in our department show incredible thinking and research skills, these students stood out among them all. While are limited on how many we can formally recognize, all nominees had what it took to be considered. See the biology undergraduate awards page for more information and pictures of our winners!


Jessica Furlough won the Ralph A. Spengler Jr. Award for excellence in plant science.

Amanda Li was awarded the Flora Stone Mather Alumnae Award for outstanding academic performance in Biology

Nobel Zhou won the Daniel Burke Prize for excellence in both chemistry and biology. He also won Second Place in the Michelson Morley Research Competition in the Biological Sciences.

Sahil Dayal won the Francis Hobart Herrick Prize for outstanding biological research and academic excellence in biology.

Ginny Kanzinger was awarded the J. Paul Visscher Memorial Award of the Cleveland Audubon Society for demonstrating outstanding ability and promise in the field of ecology or environmental science.

Ella Segal won First Place in the Michelson Morley Research Competition in the Biological Sciences.

Laura Deng won Third Place in the Michelson Morley Research Competition in the Biological Sciences.

Haajera Zanieb  and Anjali Raju were recognized with the Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award.

Dr. Ron Oldefield was recognized by undergraduates for his mentorship and passion in teaching with the Outstanding Faculty Award.


Congratulations to everyone, and have a wonderful summer!