Mentored teaching and research programs foster a strong educational environment in the Department of Biology for both undergraduate and graduate students. Our research is primarily conducted within three focus areas: Cell and Developmental Biology, Neurobiology and Neuromechanical Systems, or Evolution and Ecology. The Department is closely affiliated with other divisions such as the School of Medicine and the Case School of Engineering at Case Western Reserve University, as well as organizations in Greater Cleveland that provide additional opportunities and resources to our students and faculty.

Featured Stories

Biology Undergraduate Ayah Lababede Awarded First Place at Intersections

Ayah Lababede, an undergraduate student working in the Crown Lab, was among the first place winners for the Fall 2024 Intersections for her poster titled “Two Possible Triggering Mechanisms of pch2-dependent Pachytene Checkpoint That Induce Interchromosomal Effect”. A description of her project is below: Crossover formation enables the reciprocal exchange...

Biology Graduate Student Alicia Matthews Wins Abstract Achievement Award at American Society of Hematology Conference

Alicia Matthews, a 3rd year PhD student from Dr. Fortenberry’s lab, was selected to present her research at the 66th American Society of Hematology (ASH) exposition. Her research entailed a novel aptamer-based sickle-cell disease therapeutic that targets polymer formation in sickled red blood cells titled “The Intracellular Effects of...

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